Market in EU is guiet in advance of new crop comming. Most of people expecting to see further price developments. Not much offers around, trading slow, and buyers are also cautious too. Mostly seeking yellow peas, green peas, corn, basic wheat.
Jordan bought 50,000 t of feed barley in tender at price 199 USD/t C&F. Shipment in the second half of February. This is their first purchase in 2016.
Wheat crop sowing in Serbia is in good progress because of very nice weather. Its expected cca 600,000 ha to be under wheat, so crop 2016 should be among record high.
Corn crop is much under average this year because of bad weather conditions. Very dry summer, lot of heat with absence of rain. But in harvesting season lot of rain made difficult corn harvesting. This years crop has low aflatoxin level and DON too. Usually corn harvest is cca 6,3 million tons, but this year is about 5,9 million tons. Harvesting is nearing an end, expecting to finish in next week because of nice weather now which helps farmers a lot in field work.